I Got Stuck!: A Catalog of Temporary Obsessions
"I Got Stuck!: A Catalog of Temporary Obsessions," with me, Dr. Kelly Reidy, is a podcast wherein each week, I’ll give you a full report on the latest topic that’s kept me up at night. Things that have led to countless hours of procrastination through googling, asking Jeeves, and navigating the twistiest and turniest of internet rabbit holes (and by the way, rabbit holes are technically called “warrens” and they can be so elaborate that they have their own traffic circles!).
10 episodes
Winter Sports
Your ultimate very short guide to the history of ice skating, sledding, and skiing; featuring Zambonis, banana conveyer belts, and statistics about winter-sports-related deaths! Plus: how to survive an avalanche!
Season 1
Episode 10

Carl Tanzler: A Love (Horror!) Story
This is the story of a fake doctor (who was also a fake count) and his real-life corpse not-quite-bride, Elena Milagro de Hoyos. The setting: Florida, of course!
Season 1
Episode 9

Dead Bodies
The weird science of dead bodies, plus a New York history lesson, a little (heh heh) Napoleon, and of course, a Burke & Hare cameo!
Season 1
Episode 8

...or, "Consider The Globster." Hoaxes, history, and hysteria in everybody's favorite pseudo-science! Featuring the Yeti, the Loch Ness Monster, giant penguins, and, of course, The Daily Mail.
Season 1
Episode 7

Old-Timey Medicine
Medicinal goats, medicinal farts-in-jars, baby morphine, and more! Learn about a time when heroin could be purchased from the Sears catalog, and gain a renewed appreciation for modern medicine.
Season 1
Episode 6

Coffee: Lovers & Haters
Listen as I spill the beans about the history of coffee! Lots of people love it, and some people hate it; because of this, it's changed many lives throughout the years... including those of a pair of murderous Swedish twins!
Season 1
Episode 5

The (Haunted?) RMS Queen Mary
Ghosts on a boat! It turns out that the most haunted hotel in America is a boat! In this episode, learn about the history, the deaths, and the potential hauntings in and because of an art deco ocean liner from the 1930s that's now permanently d...
Season 1
Episode 4

Herring Farts
This one is a little bit about The Doomsday Fish, but it's mostly about herrings, sardines (what even are they?!), the Cold War, and the outstandingly bizarre and incredible website that is herripedia.com. Note: Stick around until ...
Season 1
Episode 3